Tuesday, October 27, 2009

CRITIQUE 01: Ideation in Proposal

"3 Idealization in Proposal Design Project 1"

: Painkiller

Aim: Review about emotion people in stress or in life.


(1.) To understand of how this bad think of emotion can be destroy our life if doesn't have a way to handle or fixed it.

Topic : Minangkabau house in negeri sembilan idle

Background : Culture Heritage in negeri sembilan

Problem Identification:
A lot of tradition house in negeri sembilan is idle and non of the heir in this tradition house want to stay in village.

Aim: Review about what is going on in minangkabau house idle in negeri sembilan


(1.) To understand of how this is bad think can happen of culture heritage in negeri sembilan can be destroy if can't find solution or the way to handle or fixed it.

Motivation: To get a feedback of people in negeri sembilan about this issue and find the best solution to soft the problem.

Topic : Rest for a while

Sketches Mind Map

Mind Map

Background : Expression of napping

Problem Identification: Workers doesn't have a change to rest for a while because a lot of work to do or running a deadline.

Aim: To review the benefits of rest for a while because as a result it's feel so good & cool for the emotion, health, brain & not tired anymore.


(1.) To understand the concept of rest for a while.
(2.) To educate people about how important rest for a while

Motivation: To help & find solution about napping as specially for workers.

Ideation or Concept: To make a people as specially workers more efficient, creative & innovative.

Review, Analysis & Precendence Studies:-

(a.) Paper Utusan Malaysia, Tuesday, 27/10/2009

(b.) Reference internet website for information about napping:-

Design Approach:

Idea of installation

Reference video website about napping & idea of installation:


Milestone of budget and planning in idea of rest of a while are:
1.) Rest Chair - as a medium of take a Audion to rest
2.) Headphone - to help Audion feel of music of peaceful
3.) Projection Monitor Screen - help Audion in graphic (screen saver) in term of rest eye & brain

For the budget, still research how to make a low budget & but still can make Audion understand the concept of rest for a while.