Monday, December 21, 2009

FYP 2: Change fyp1 title, storyboard and idea 4 for project design

1. Title

After presentation by 17.12.2009 on Thursday, Mr.KY said that is better to change a title “Minangkabau House Idle in Negeri Sembilan” to “Minangkabau House Negeri Sembilan Legacy” to see more focus about Negeri Sembilan Minangkabau House only. But i change a little bit about the title to be “Minangkabau House Nagari 9 Legacy” because in language minang, "Negeri" is called "NAGARI" and word "Sembilan" i change in number "9" to see a different.

2. Storyboard & Project Design

The comment of two lectures Mr.KY and Dr.Koo are:

  • Focus more about minangkabau house only.

  • Find more about unique minangkabau house for example minangkabau house doesn’t have a nail but have a unique style to build the minangkabau house is call “pasak”.

  • For my 4th idea in the Project Design, I want to do a touch screen as an interaction.

New Poster with a new title and related picture

3. Touch Screen (Idea)

This video is called EON Touchlight that i found in youtube. I want to do something like this in my fyp2 in term of touch screen so the audience can feel went it touch the screen & have a interaction.

Monday, December 14, 2009

PROJECT DESIGN : Storyboard, Floorplan, Diagram, Poster & Artist Impression


This is a storyboard that i think in my mind so that my FYP look simple, nice and user friendly from the flow of my FYP storyboard


IDEA ONE : Sketches floorplan 3D Projection by using projector in the wall

IDEA TWO : Sketches floorplan 3D Projecton by using projector and perspex (plastic)

IDEA THREE : 3D Informative Graphic in Interactive CD-ROM


This diagram is about the flow of go throw of my fyp

This Flowchart is about the flow of go throw of my fyp


This is my fyp poster to promote the unique of legacy in Negeri Sembilan so that previous and next generation know what is Minangkabau House only have in Negeri Sembilan

5. ARTIST IMPRESSION (Video 30 sec)

This is my concept of idea for my fyp2 in video promotion (Thriller) with illustration animation

Sunday, December 6, 2009

CRITIQUE 03: Idea & Content Development, Ghant Chart

Idea Development

This picture is my first generate idea to
create FYP Minangkabau house
idle in Negeri Sembilan

This is a my mapping for my FYP

IDEA ONE (Sketches): 3D Projection by using
a projector in the wall

IDEA TWO (Sketches): 3D projection by using
projector and perspex (Plastic)

IDEA THREE (Illustrate): 3D Informative Graphic
in Interactive CD-ROM

This is my concept of idea for my fyp2 in
video interaction with illustration animation

Title Intro (Typography) that i create to get some balance
of word, rest eye in space and look like a style of typography

Label CD-ROM:
This part is to promote my fyp CD-ROM in term of concept Minangkabau in house, roof and font.

CD Booklet

CD Booklet (Rear)

CD Inlay


Content Development:

The village of Minangkabau house & roof design is a symbolic of cultural in Negeri Sembilan. For example from this 3 picture what i found then i go to the kampong khairat sesama, Rembau Negeri Sembilan

Software & Hardware that i want to use in my FYP:

1. 3D Max Studio
2. Lightwave 3D
3. Director 11
4. Laptop
5. LCD Screen
6. Table
7. Projection
8. Perspex (Plastic)

Ghant Chart:

Ghant Chart for FYP one

Ghant Chart for FYP two