Monday, December 21, 2009

FYP 2: Change fyp1 title, storyboard and idea 4 for project design

1. Title

After presentation by 17.12.2009 on Thursday, Mr.KY said that is better to change a title “Minangkabau House Idle in Negeri Sembilan” to “Minangkabau House Negeri Sembilan Legacy” to see more focus about Negeri Sembilan Minangkabau House only. But i change a little bit about the title to be “Minangkabau House Nagari 9 Legacy” because in language minang, "Negeri" is called "NAGARI" and word "Sembilan" i change in number "9" to see a different.

2. Storyboard & Project Design

The comment of two lectures Mr.KY and Dr.Koo are:

  • Focus more about minangkabau house only.

  • Find more about unique minangkabau house for example minangkabau house doesn’t have a nail but have a unique style to build the minangkabau house is call “pasak”.

  • For my 4th idea in the Project Design, I want to do a touch screen as an interaction.

New Poster with a new title and related picture

3. Touch Screen (Idea)

This video is called EON Touchlight that i found in youtube. I want to do something like this in my fyp2 in term of touch screen so the audience can feel went it touch the screen & have a interaction.

Monday, December 14, 2009

PROJECT DESIGN : Storyboard, Floorplan, Diagram, Poster & Artist Impression


This is a storyboard that i think in my mind so that my FYP look simple, nice and user friendly from the flow of my FYP storyboard


IDEA ONE : Sketches floorplan 3D Projection by using projector in the wall

IDEA TWO : Sketches floorplan 3D Projecton by using projector and perspex (plastic)

IDEA THREE : 3D Informative Graphic in Interactive CD-ROM


This diagram is about the flow of go throw of my fyp

This Flowchart is about the flow of go throw of my fyp


This is my fyp poster to promote the unique of legacy in Negeri Sembilan so that previous and next generation know what is Minangkabau House only have in Negeri Sembilan

5. ARTIST IMPRESSION (Video 30 sec)

This is my concept of idea for my fyp2 in video promotion (Thriller) with illustration animation

Sunday, December 6, 2009

CRITIQUE 03: Idea & Content Development, Ghant Chart

Idea Development

This picture is my first generate idea to
create FYP Minangkabau house
idle in Negeri Sembilan

This is a my mapping for my FYP

IDEA ONE (Sketches): 3D Projection by using
a projector in the wall

IDEA TWO (Sketches): 3D projection by using
projector and perspex (Plastic)

IDEA THREE (Illustrate): 3D Informative Graphic
in Interactive CD-ROM

This is my concept of idea for my fyp2 in
video interaction with illustration animation

Title Intro (Typography) that i create to get some balance
of word, rest eye in space and look like a style of typography

Label CD-ROM:
This part is to promote my fyp CD-ROM in term of concept Minangkabau in house, roof and font.

CD Booklet

CD Booklet (Rear)

CD Inlay


Content Development:

The village of Minangkabau house & roof design is a symbolic of cultural in Negeri Sembilan. For example from this 3 picture what i found then i go to the kampong khairat sesama, Rembau Negeri Sembilan

Software & Hardware that i want to use in my FYP:

1. 3D Max Studio
2. Lightwave 3D
3. Director 11
4. Laptop
5. LCD Screen
6. Table
7. Projection
8. Perspex (Plastic)

Ghant Chart:

Ghant Chart for FYP one

Ghant Chart for FYP two

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

CRITIQUE 02: Social / user behaviour, example & relate in this project

Topic: Selfish

Social / user behaviour:

Of course inevitable human nature always emphasizing oneself for something wish to be achieved. Sometimes human period unremarked or do not want to know on concept do not important oneself because this will destroy quality human which already civilized not else alive in forest. Again developed one country, again all kinds of problems which arise in humanity disease. For example its here is money, rank and position, property. All this akn change human life style which often catch up inside comfort and luxury human life in this century. The longer increasingly eroded day admirable qualities we learn all this while since primary school to to university. This happened because pushing of human life now increasingly challenging. Technology play role in human life now. Without technology, difficult human at making job. Ever no we thought, does the technology make mankind again wise or just facilitate man's jobs so that become easier. Yeah, of course technology facilitate man's jobs, however this will make much preoccupied human, careless, and lazy. Any even up to one myself human to decide to use technology as flatform over form competitive human and creative.

Indentify a example/creation/project/innovation/that is catered for these behaviors:

A lot of promotion for goverment or private sector in television, internet, posters, radio about these behaviours. For example "Cintailah Bahasa Kita", "Budi Bahasa Budaya kita", "Jangan membuang sampah merata-rata", "Jaga kebersihan alam sekitar", but it depend of human being self thinking of these behaviours. This is bad behaviours for young genaration for. A new era for these initiative behaviours that the private sector do is Les Copaque Production Sdn.Bhd. This company to do in 3D animation and these is a website for this company. The concept was try this company of doing is that wish to absorb good values which need we know so that our culture in Malaysia respected and respectable around the world. The massage is that to show as specially the young generation to know about the true inside of these bad behaviours so that when the younger age is grow up, so that they know the true or the false about these behaviours and can be a good person in the future in term of good attitude of behaviours that they learn it before.

How is this issue addressed in your project?

For my project, minangkabau house idle in negeri sembilan (culture heritage), this is a lot of moral culture value and also a unique culture in term of dialect, food, the house sturcture design in tradition, history, music & minangkabau dress. The massage for these topic behaviours can be relate and also the information, collective data, promotion to show the young people genaration about these unique culture behaviours so they can apreciate and remember that is only one country in Malaysia that have a unique culture there is Negeri Sembilan.

CRITIQUE 02: Precedence Study, Need & Content Analysis and Archive & Documents Collection

Research on Minangkabau house

Minangkabau roof be teak symbol and symbol society Minang. Again high roof vertex Minang mark degree / someone's rank. Now minangkabau house was no longer used as symbolic symbol again because heirs or time young generation now uninterested or no wish to take care state pride nine. Only remainder only minangkabau house made as mini museum, restoren or resort to keep state heritage nine of extinct swallowed time otherwise reared by current young generation.

Pictures Minangkabau roof & house of my concept:
(that i want to explain & to do)

Old remains house minangkabau in
Kampong Khairat Sesama, Rembau Negeri Sembilan

Minangkabau house model in Negeri Sembilan foundation
that i snap a picture to give some a concept of VR

Arch entry point to Seri Menanti which
possess unique minangkabau roof

Video of
Minangkabau roof & house of my concept:
(that i want to explain & to do)

Long roof minangkabau house in
Kampong Khairat Sesama, Rembau Negeri Sembilan

The planning for informative graphic:

The way of doing informative graphic (picture in sketches), i want to do sometime different so that audience can feel fun and happy while audience can see my final project 2 in the way of informative graphic style. In my topic Minangkabau house idle in negeri sembilan (culture heritage), i want to do some documentaries about minangkabau history, house sturucture, music, food. dress & dialect. To see the best way, I want to highlight the food of minangkabau in facebook for example the recipe so that if the audience can visit the negeri sembilan Minangkabau food recepy in website like facebook to be interactive way. For the house of minangkabau, i want to snap a 360'c in still image in VR style. The music that i want choose is a minang song. To see a good informative graphic in term of new style, i get an idea is that I want to do like a games style a little bit for example the arrow detection sensor.

The making of concept Vitual Reality (VR), content & video in informative graphic

In this concept, I wish to absorb VR 's elements and attached with content and video so that it see more efisyen and high quality from delivery aspect

CRITIQUE 02: Problem Identification & Depth Research

"Research in Negeri Sembilan Minangkabau Culture Heritage"

After my second topic approve, i go on a search a information about negeri sembilan minangkabau interm of history of minangkabau, house minangkabau sturcture, dress of minangkabau, music, dialect and food. I want to do this project because for me, this is a unique culture and interesting in malaysia. So i want to highlight the minangkabau culture in negeri sembilan for young generation to know what is a unique about minangkabau in negeri sembilan.

Negeri Sembilan location: southwestern West Malaysia (Malaya):
History: Negeri Sembilan was settled between the 15th and 16th century by the Minangkabau people of West Sumatra who migrated to the region during the Malay Sultanate in Malacca. In its early history, it was a loose confederation of nine fiefdoms, hence the name "Negeri Sembilan" or "Nine States". Negeri Sembilan emerges as a politcal unit in 1773 when Raja Melewar, a prince of the Minangkabau ruling house at Pagar Ruyong, was invited to become ruler, the Yam Tuan, and founded the dynasty which still occupies the throne. The history of modern Negeri Sembilan began with the discovery of tin in the state. This led to minor wars in Sungai Ujong, Rembau, and Jelebu, which led to British intervention and British power in the state. Martin Lister was appointed the first British Resident. In 1889, the Yam Tuan Seri Menanti was installed as the ruler of all Negeri Sembilan. Today however, there are only seven districts. Language: Malay and ChineseDaily Life: Negeri Sembilan is a matrilineal society. Adat Perpatih is the practice of this matrilineal way of life. The domestic unit was traditionally the community house, in which a head woman, her sisters, their daughters, and their children lived. In early history several of these houses made up the clan, within which no marriage was allowed. Several clans made up a government consisting of a male representive from each house. Rice is the main form of subsistence in Negeri Sembilan. Not only is rice the basic source of food, but the cultivation affects the matrilineal society as well. Land is owned by the wife and passed on to her daughters. The man's role in the buying and selling of land is restricted by his duty to his wife and her kin. If a man buys land he cannot register it in his own name without seeming to be planning to divorce his wife. He is also obliged to provide a portion of the land for his daughter on marriage. This system of matrilocality causes very little tension because rice growing is considered a woman's task. There is no desire to grow more rice than needed for food. For most families rice is not something planned for and relied on because of its unpredictability. The cash crops in Negeri Sembilan are fruit and rubber. Both products are sold to the Chinese to make an income. In the late 1800's, tin was a major production and lured many immigrants and the British. Today, only a few declining tin mines can be found throughout the western valleys and along the coast.Best Known Feature: The Negeri Sembilan are best known for their unique and strongly formed matrilineal society.

Resources: Swift, M.G. Malay Peasant Society in Jelebu. New York: Humanities Press Inc., 1965“Negeri Sembilan.” Encyclopedia Britannica 13.December, 1999“Negeri Sembilan.” 13. December, 1999

Negeri Sembilan - Magnificient Minangkabau Architecture:

Negeri Sembilan, meaning "nine states" in Malay. The name is believed to derive from the nine districts or nagari (now known as luak) settled by the Minangkabau, a people originally from West Sumatra (present-day Indonesia). Minangkabau features are still visible today in traditional architecture and the dialect of Malay spoken. The state of Negeri Sembilan is well known for its rich “Adat Perpatih” culture, a matrilineal system from Indonesia’s Minangkabau people. Since the Minangkabau established themselves in this state, about six centuries ago, their rich tradition has spilled over into every facet of life, from social interaction to architectural design, traditional wear and more.
The heart of Minangkabau culture in Negeri Sembilan is Seri Menanti, the royal capital (as distinguished from Seremban, the state capital). As the royal capital, this is where the head of state, the Yang Di Pertuan Besar, still resides today.Glorious HistoryLocated about 40 km from Seremban and 14 km from Kuala Pilah town, Seri Menanti is at the heart of a lush valley, protected by a tall mountain range. Tradition has it that the Minangkabau conquerors were so awed by the sight of ripe paddy stalks waving their heads across the fertile paddy fields awaiting their harvest, that they named the spot Padi Menanti (Awaiting Paddy). In time, the name evolved into the more regal Seri Menanti (Glorious Awaiting).Steeped in history, Seri Menanti offers many delights and rewards to visitors who come to pay homage to it. Old Palace Full of HeritageOne of Negeri Sembilan’s historical sites is the Seri Menanti palace, otherwise known as the Istana Lama (Old Palace). Built at the turn of the last century by two local craftsmen, Tukang Kahar and Tukang Taib, this architectural marvel was built without the use of a single nail. The palace incorporates 99 pillars, each a staggering 65 feet tall, representing the 99 warriors who guarded the Istana Lama in its heyday.

In 1992, this exquisitely designed palace was converted into a museum, showcasing royal paraphernalia such as clothing, equipment, craftwork, beds, royal chairs and more, bedecked in gold and fine soft furnishings. In February 2009, the Istana Lama was declared one of Malaysia’s 10 national heritage items, a nod to its rich contribution to Malaysia’s heritage.Aside from the Istana Lama, Seri Menanti is also the site of the Istana Besar (the grander, newer Seri Menanti palace wherein reside the head of state and his family today), the Royal Mausoleum and the Royal Mosque (Masjid Diraja Tuanku Munawir). Hospitality at its HighestAside from its royal heritage, the town of Seri Menanti also offers a more down-to-earth welcome for visitors. The picturesque village setting is a beautiful backdrop for a quiet stroll, with the craftsmanship of every house - each with the sloping skylines that peak at both ends into distinctive horn-shaped roofs - providing you with beautiful sights to enjoy along the way.

Ceremonies and festivals Women carrying platters of food to a ceremony Minangkabau ceremonies and festivals include:

Turun mandi - baby blessing ceremony

Sunat rasul - circumcision ceremony

Baralek - wedding ceremony

Batagak pangulu - clan leader inauguration ceremony.

Other clan leaders, all relatives in the same clan and all villagers in the region are invited. The ceremony will last for 7 days or more:

Turun ka sawah - community work ceremony

Manyabik - harvesting ceremony

Hari Rayo - Islamic festivals Adoption ceremony

Adat ceremony Funeral ceremony & Wild boar hunt ceremony:

Maanta pabukoan - sending food to mother-in-law for Ramadhan

Tabuik - Muslim celebration in the coastal village of Pariaman Tanah Ta Sirah, inaugurate a new clan leader (Datuk) when the old one died in the few hours (no need to proceed batagak pangulu, but the clan must invite all clan leader in the region). Mambangkik Batang Tarandam, inaugurate a new leader (Datuk) when the old one died in the pass 10 or 50 years and even more, must do the Batagak Pangulu.

Sturucture of house malay in village:

Most the Malay Traditional Houses can be found in rural area (kampung - village). It is built with Malay creativity and their affective bond with their nature and environment. The climate made a Malay Traditional House raised on timber stilts or piles to elevate the building above the ground level. It is due to heavy rainfall that sometimes brings flood. Although it use timber as main structure, amazingly it is build without a single nail, instead the Malays used pre-cut holes and grooves to fit the timber building elements into one another, effectively making it a ‘pre-fabricated house’. There are handcrafted panels, holed carvings and slatted panels around the walls.

Using renewable natural materials such as various kinds of timber and bamboo, they often constructed their dwellings without any use of metal including nails. Instead the Malays used pre-cut holes and grooves to fit the timber building elements into one another, effectively making it a ‘prefabricated house’. In Sarawak and Sabah rattan ropes were used to fasten bamboo pieces together. Although nails had been invented and in later houses used minimally for non-structural elements (for example, windows or panels), there were benefits of structural flexibility which the rigidity of nailing inhibited. Also, without nails, a timber house could be dismantled and reconstructed in a new location. This was done for the beautifully restored Rumah Penghulu Abu Seman, which was transported from Kedah to Kuala Lumpur by Badan Warisan Malaysia, the Malaysian Heritage Foundation. In fact for short distances, the nail-free flexibility and relatively lightweight timber even allowed a house to be lifted on many shoulders through gotong-royong (neighbourhood helping or mutual aid) and carried to another spot.
Traditional timber houses also incorporated design principals relevant in contemporary architecture such as shading and ventilation, qualities present in the basic house features. A main characteristic of a typical kampung house includes the obvious fact that it is raised on stilts or piles. This was to avoid wild animals, to be above floods, to deter thieves and for added ventilation. In parts of Sabah, the number of dowry buffaloes could even depend on the number of stilts there are in the bridal family’s home. A traditional Malay timber house is almost always in at least two parts: the Main House called Rumah Ibu in honour of the mother (ibu) and the simpler Rumah Dapur or kitchen annex - this way if the kitchen catches fire only that part would be damaged, saving the main house. Proportion was also very important to give the house a human scale. Indeed, the Rumah Ibu was also named such because the spacings between stilts are said to typically follow the arms-spread width of the wife and mother in the family of the house when being built. There is also at least one raised veranda (Serambi) attached to the house for seated working or relaxation or where non-intimate visitors would be entertained, thus preserving the privacy of the interior.

For ventilation, the elevation of the house and also its many windows, holed carvings and slatted panels around the walls plus the high thatch or clay tile roofs all contribute to the cooling ambience. However the presently popular use of exposed zinc sheets, because of its ease of installation and cheap supply, unfortunately increases heat and is noisy during rain. All traditional roofs are always pitched to quickly drain off rainwater. Roofs come in two broad categories: ‘bumbung panjang’ long roof type with open gable ends or the ‘bumbung lima’/‘limas’ pyramidal variations.

Both types cover almost every conceivable roof design, with some forms peculiar to certain areas or community groups, such as the elegant and distinctive upward curves of the Negeri Sembilan-style Minangkabau house. Traditional house roofs also always have wide overhangs for shading and protection from heavy tropical downpours. In many cases they have beautifully carved timber eaves to decorate the ‘visual connection’ between roof and sky. Some roofs hold attic bedrooms, effectively making the already raised structure a 3-storey edifice. In fact, there have been olden Malay palaces up to five or six storeys high built entirely in nail-free timber, as in Negeri Sembilan’s Seri Menanti palace.

Resources: Ariffin, A. Najib; "A Disappearing Heritage: The Malaysian Kampung House", in Heritage Asia (Kuala Lumpur: Mediahub), September 2005, 6-8 -Passages in the above entry appear with permission of the Author/Publisher Lee Ho Yin, "The Kampong House: An Evolutionary History of Peninsular Malaysia's Vernacular Houseform," in Asia's Old Dwellings: Tradition, Resilience, and Change, ed. Ronald G. Knapp (New York: Oxford University Press), 2003, 235-258.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

CRITIQUE 01: Ideation in Proposal

"3 Idealization in Proposal Design Project 1"

: Painkiller

Aim: Review about emotion people in stress or in life.


(1.) To understand of how this bad think of emotion can be destroy our life if doesn't have a way to handle or fixed it.

Topic : Minangkabau house in negeri sembilan idle

Background : Culture Heritage in negeri sembilan

Problem Identification:
A lot of tradition house in negeri sembilan is idle and non of the heir in this tradition house want to stay in village.

Aim: Review about what is going on in minangkabau house idle in negeri sembilan


(1.) To understand of how this is bad think can happen of culture heritage in negeri sembilan can be destroy if can't find solution or the way to handle or fixed it.

Motivation: To get a feedback of people in negeri sembilan about this issue and find the best solution to soft the problem.

Topic : Rest for a while

Sketches Mind Map

Mind Map

Background : Expression of napping

Problem Identification: Workers doesn't have a change to rest for a while because a lot of work to do or running a deadline.

Aim: To review the benefits of rest for a while because as a result it's feel so good & cool for the emotion, health, brain & not tired anymore.


(1.) To understand the concept of rest for a while.
(2.) To educate people about how important rest for a while

Motivation: To help & find solution about napping as specially for workers.

Ideation or Concept: To make a people as specially workers more efficient, creative & innovative.

Review, Analysis & Precendence Studies:-

(a.) Paper Utusan Malaysia, Tuesday, 27/10/2009

(b.) Reference internet website for information about napping:-

Design Approach:

Idea of installation

Reference video website about napping & idea of installation:


Milestone of budget and planning in idea of rest of a while are:
1.) Rest Chair - as a medium of take a Audion to rest
2.) Headphone - to help Audion feel of music of peaceful
3.) Projection Monitor Screen - help Audion in graphic (screen saver) in term of rest eye & brain

For the budget, still research how to make a low budget & but still can make Audion understand the concept of rest for a while.